category:misc Today, I "completed" building this SSG in bash. Sure, it aint pretty or as efficient as if I would've just downloaded whatever fat popular web-service but ... Building something like a blog from scratch feels better. And well, it's a blog. "a regular recoord of your thoughts [...] on the internet for other people to read". Might as well make it personal. It's about 50 lines in total. And this is with me not refactoring it. It reflects what I like, bash, vim, and my unecessary enjoyment of writing oldschool HTML/CSS. My reason for making a blog is to have a separate and free platform where I can share things I've learned. It's also a way for me to appreciate what I love without being a bother to others. I hope my (likely very few) readers will have some use of my writeups, or be able to share my passions. peace.